The gentleman: [a novel] being a truthful account concerning the hazards of love, marriage, duels, poetry, inventors, family, anarchists, airships, intercourse with the Devil, ladies' undergarments, painting from life, the history of exploration, &c.; set down by Mr. Lionel Lupus savage & edited with objections by Mr. Hubert Lancaster, Esq, containing nothing either allegorical or metaphorical in nature & never deviating from the truth / Forrest Leo

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Шифр документа: 1И//609212(039),
Вид документа: Книги
Автор: Leo, F. (нар. 1990)
Опубликовано: New York : Penguin Press , 2016
Физические характеристики: 287 с. : іл. ; 22 см
Язык: Английский

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