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На тытульным лісце двухколерны друк
У выдавецкім пераплёце BY-HM0000:096/10767К
У дакумент укладзена пісьмо на бланку з пячаткай рэльефнага ціснення: British embassy, Paris. July 14.1930 Dear Baronne de Rothschild. May I offer to your daughter Mademoiselle Jacqueline [...] is to be maried this [...] BY-HM0000:096/10767К
There are two editions. The one, strictly limited to one gundred signed copie for sale and six copies not for sale, numberd respectively 1 to 100 and I to VI, is printed on Batchelor's Kelmscott hand-made paper and hand-bound either in vellum or in oasis morocco. The other edition, printed on pure rag paper, is strictly limited to four hundred and fifty copies for sale and fifty copies not for sale, numbered respectively 101 to 550 and VII to LVI, of which this is number. № 537