Pipes Of Peace [Звукозапись] / Исполн. авт.

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Шифр документа: 7Ис2498КД463,
Format: Audio & Video files
Main Author: Маккартни, П.
Published: Holland : Biem/Stemra , 1993
Physical Description: 1 КД ; 12 см
Language: English
E-document: E-document
Table of Contents:
  • Содерж.: 1. Pipes of peace; 2. Say say say; 3. The other me; 4. Keep under cover; 5. So bad; 6. The man; 7. Sweetest little show; 9. Average person; 10. Tug of peace; 11. Trough our love; 12. Twice in a lifetime; 13. We all stand together; 14. Simple as that