Encyclopedia of associations. Regional, state, and local organizations : A guide to nearly 111000 United States nonprofit membership organizations with regional, state, or local scope and concerned with all subjects and areas of activity / Ed.: Alan Hedblad. Vol. 5 : Western States: Includes Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming
Захавана ў:
Тып дакумента: | |
Выданне: | 14th ed. |
Фізіч. характарыстыкі: |
xxiii, 1260 p.
Мова: | Англійская |
Прадмет: |
ОФХ отдела книгохранения
Усяго : 1 , даступна: 1 | Даступна Замовіць | ||||||||||