Notes and materials for an adequate biography of the celebrated Divine and Theosopher,William Law: With a notice of the mystical divinity and most curios and solid science of all ages of the World.Also an indication of the true means for the induction of the intellectual "Heathen",jewish,and mahomedan nations into the christian faith / Comprising an elucidation of the scope and contents of the Writings of Jacob Bohme

Сохранено в:
Шифр документа: 13Рк22687,
Вид документа: Редкие/старопечатные издания
Опубликовано: London : Reed and Pardon,Printers , 1854
Физические характеристики: XXXIV,688 p. : 3 tab.; ; 22x14 sm.
Язык: Английский
Серия: To the christianity,the philosophy,the erudition,science,and noble intelligence of the age

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