F.D.R. speaks [Гуказапіс]: authorized Edition of Speeches Delivered by Franklin Delano Roosevelt
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Опубликовано: | U.S.A. : Washington Records , [19--] |
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6 грп.
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- Змест: 1. First Inaugural Address – "Nothing To Fear" 2. Fireside Chat 3. Young Democratic Clubs 4. Second Acceptance Speech – "Rendezvous With Destiny" 5. Harvard University Tercentenary 6. Fifieth Anniversary of the Statue of Liberty 7. Address at Madison Square Garden, New York City 8. Second Inaugural Address – "One-third of a Nation" 9. Address at Bonneville Dam 10. "Quarantine" Speech at Chicago, Illinois 11. Fireside Chat on Economic Conditions 12. National Education Association 13. Annual Message to Congress 14. Fireside Chat on War in Europe 15. Jackson Day Dinner 16. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va 17. Philadelphia Campaign Speech 18. Boston Campaign Speech 19. Cleveland Campaign Speech 20. State of the Union – "Four Freedoms" 21. Third Inaugural Address 22. Declaration of War – "Day of Infamy" 23. Fireside Chat on War 24. Christmas Eve Message 25. State of the Union 26. Broadcast to French on North African Invasion 27. Dedication of Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Washington, D. C. 28. Fireside Chat on Progress of War 29. Fireside Chat on International Conferences 30. D-Day Prayer on the Invasion of Normandy 31. Teamster's Union Address – "Fala was furious" 32. Fours Inaugural Address 33. Address to Congress on Yalta Conference 34. Undelivered Address Jefferson Day by F. D. R., Jr.