Grassland inventory of Belarus: final report of the project "Capacity building within Belarus Botanical Society in awareness raising for grassland protection/management: an example of High Nature Value area implementation on the Pan European Ecological Network" / [coordinator of the project in Belarus: Oleg Maslovsky]

Сохранено в:
Шифр документа: 1Н//333665К(039),
Вид документа: Книги
Опубликовано: Minsk : Belarus Botanical Society , 2007
Физические характеристики: 88 c. : к., іл. ; 29 см
Язык: Английский
Серия: The series of publications of the National Grasslands Inventory Projects in Central and Eastern Europe 10
  • Ахова лугапашавых угоддзяў Беларусі