Situation of persons with disabilities in Belarus: [this publication is an output from the joint project of UNDP and the Government of Belarus "Assistance to Belarus in joining the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its implementation" with participation of the United Nations Children's Fund and the International Labour Organization / authors and contributors: H. Krot [et al.]
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Автор: | United Nations Development Programme. Office in Belarus |
Опубликовано: | Minsk : Tesey , 2010 |
Физические характеристики: |
60, [1] c. ; 30 см
Язык: | Английский |
Предмет: |
- Агляд сітуацыі са становішчам юрыдычнай абароны правоў і законных інтарэсаў непрацаздольнага насельніцтва ў Беларусі