Seria "Filologia angielska" / Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Filologiczny
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Другие авторы/ответственные: | Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poznań). Wydział Filologiczny |
Вид документа: | |
Опубликовано: | Poznań : UAM , 1972― |
Язык: | Английский Польский |
Предмет: |
1972, №3: Modal verbs in Shakespeare's English / Kakietek P.
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1972, №4: Poezja amerykanskiego poludniа / Kopcewicz A.
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1972, №5: The making of a new american poem... / Sienicka M.
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1974, №6: Dydaktyka jezyka obcego w szkole sredniej... / Marton W.
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1975, №7: Palatal umlaut versus velar umlaut and breaking... / Awedyk W.
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1977, №8: Malcolm Lowry and the lyrical convention... / Makowiecki S.
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1977, №10: Language of poetry and generative grammar... / Nowakowska N.
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1978, №9: A study in generative historical linguistics... / Nowakowski M.
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1978, №11: Polska a Brytania 1801-1830: proby politycznego... / Liponski W.
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1979, №12: Proceedings of a Symposium on American Literature...
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1980, №13: Conference interpreting: some linguistic... / Kopczynski A.
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1981, №14: Lexical rules of semantic interpretation... / Zabrocki T.
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1981, №15: Ksztaltowanie sie wizji artystycznej... / Bielecka D.
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1981, №16: Traditions in the twtntieth century American literature...
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1982, №17: The foreigner's language in a sociolinguistic... / Janicki K.
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1983, №19: English studies in Poland: a historical survey / Fisiak J.
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1983, №20: A bibliography of writings for the history of the English...
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1984, №18: Thematization in English and Polish: a study... / Grzegorek M.
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1986, №21: American self-conscious fiction of the 1960s... / Semrau J.
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1988, №22: Shakespeare's idea of art / Jankowski A.
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1989, №23: Creativity of translators: the translation... / Pisarska A.
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1993, №24: Polite discourse in Shakespeare's English / Kopytko R.
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1999, №25: Telling it slant: Polish insights into American culture...
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2001, №26: A bibliography of writings on the acquisition of first.... —
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2007, №27: A Conceptual Metaphor approach to war discourse... / Fabiszak M.
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2007, №28: Jezyk - narzedzie czy wlasciwosc czlowieka... / Wasik E.
Всего : 1 , доступно: 1 | Доступно Заказать | ||||||||||
2008, №29: Native English and learner corpora: linguistic... / Scheffler P.
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2009, №30: Feats and defeats of memory: exploring spaces... / Rzepa A.
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2009, №31: Phonology for the listener and language learner / Schwartz G.
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2009, №32: Allen Tate: a study in Southern modernism... / Kuhn J.
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2010, №33: America: the natural and the artificial: construction...
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2011, №34: Wybrane aspekty derywacji i interpretacji wyrazen... / Witkos J.
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2011, №35: Minimalist facets of control: an English-Polish... / Witkos J.
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2012, №36: Noun and verb codes in English monolingual... / Dziemianko A.
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2012, №37: (Un)concealing the Hedgehog: modernist... / Ambrozy P.
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2012, №38: Translation as a human skill: from predisposition... / Whyatt B.
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2013, №39: The American baroque: use of iconology... / Stachura P.
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2013, №40: Vanishing realities Social significance... / Setecka A.
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2013, №41: Vernacular grammar(s) of mid-nineteenth century... / Dylewski R.
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2014, №42: Attitude and language: on explicit... / Bromberek-Dyzman K.
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2014, №43: Are abstract concepts like dinosaur feathers... / Jelec A.
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2014, №44: Forgetful recollections: images of Central... / Drewniak D.
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2014, №45: Phonolapsology of graded readers... / Sobkowiak W., Piasecka L.
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2015, №46: Teaching culture in the FL senior high school... / Derenowski M.
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2015, №47: Landmarks in British history and culture... / Liponski W.
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2015, №48: In search of a new perspective: cross-linguistic... / Wrembel M.
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2016, №49: Phonotactics and morphonotactics of Polish and English...
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2016, №50: From grammar to discourse: towards a solipsistic... / Wąsik Z.
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2016, №53: Tlumacz - praktyczne aspekty zawodu
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2017, №54: The internal structure of nominal expressions... / Ceglowski P.
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2017, №55: Inscribed into the past: a comparative study... / Bartnik R.
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2018, №56: Between the self and the other: essays... / Sikorska L.
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2018, №57: The self and the world: aspects of the aesthetics... / Rzepa A.
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2018, №58: Non-native vowel perception: the interplay... / Balas A.
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2018, №59: Aspectual modelling of mental predicates... / Kokorniak I.
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2018, №60: Quantification and modelling of selected consonantal... / Kul M.
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2019, №61: The L1 as a consciousness-raising tool in learning... / Wach A.
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2019, №62: Negotiating modernism: art critcism in The new... / Buchowska D.
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2019, №63: "Be future" - old and modern views on future... / Blaszczak J.
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2019, №64: The relationship between oneiric and pragmatic... / Skweres A.
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2019, №65: Polish (mor)phonotactics in first language... / Zydorowicz P.
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2020, №66: Linguistic dimensions of the self in human... / Wąsik E. M.
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