Public opinion speaks out against racism, apartheid and colonialism: materials of the International Seminar sponsored by the Soviet Afro-Asian Solidariry Committee and the Institute of Africa of the USSR Academy of Sciences in collaboration wiht the UN Special Committee Against Apartheid (Alma Ata, May 28―31, 1979): [зборнік артыкулаў / editorial council: Fedoseyev P. N. (chairman) і інш.]

Сохранено в:
Шифр документа: 170760-3,
Вид документа: Продолжающиеся издания
Опубликовано: Moscow : Social Sciences Today , 1980
Физические характеристики: 181, [1] с. ; 21 см
Язык: Английский
Серия: Problems of the contemporary world № 85

1980, №85: Public opinion speaks out against rasism, apartheid...

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