1,3-dichloropropene and 1,2-dibromoethane compounds: I. Movement and fate as affected by various conditions in several soils. II. Organism-dosage-response studies in the laboratory with several nematode species / M. V. McKenry and I. J. Thomason
Захавана ў:
Тып дакумента: | |
Аўтар: | McKenry, M. V. |
Апублікавана: | Berkeley, CA : University of California Division of Agricultural Sciences , 1974 |
Фізіч. характарыстыкі: |
С. 393―438 : іл. ; 26 см
Мова: | Англійская |
Серыя: |
vol. 42, № 11 |
1974, Vol.42,№11: 1,3-dichlopropene and 1,2-dibromoethane... / McKenry M. V.
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