Organizing knowledge for environmentally and socially sustainable development: proceedings of a Concurrent Meeting of the Fifth Annual World Bank Conference on Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development "Partnerships for global ecosystem management: science, economics and law" cosponsored by UNESCO and the World Bank and held at the World Bank, Washington, October 9―10, 1997 / editors: Ismail Serageldin [et al.]

Enregistré dans:
Шифр документа: 1И//538293К(039),
Format: Документы международных организаций
Auteur principal: United Nations. World Bank
Publié: Washington : The World Bank , 1998
Description matérielle: VI, 92 c. : табл., схем. ; 28 см
Langue: Английский
Collection: Environmentally and socially sustainable development

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