Adelphi papers
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Другие авторы/ответственные: | Международный институт стратегических исследований |
Вид документа: | |
Опубликовано: | London : The International Institute for Strategic Studies , 1961―2009 |
Язык: | Английский |
Предмет: |
1983, №186: The soviet economic crisis: prospects... / Fewtrell D.
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1983, 1983/1984, №187: Soviet Tneatre Nuclear Forces. Pt.I / Meyer Stephen M.
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1983, 1983/1984, №188: Soviet Tneatre Nuclear Forces. Pt.II / Meyer Stephen M.
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1984, №189: The Conduct of East-West Relations in the 1980. Pt.I
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1984, №190: The Conduct of East-West Relations in the 1980. Pt.II
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1984, №191: The Conduct of East-West Relations in the 1980. Pt.III
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1984, №192: Western Security and Economic Strategy Towards... / Buchan D.
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1984, №193: Deterrence in the 1980. Pt.II
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1984, 1984/1985, №194: France's Deterrent Posture and Security. Pt.I / Yost David S.
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1984, 1984/1985, №195: France's Deterrent: Posture and Security. Pt.II / Yost David S.
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1985, №196: Intervention and Regional Security / Macfarlane N.
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1985, №197: New Technology and Western Security Policy. Pt.I
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1985, №198: New Technology and Western Security Policy. Pt.II
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1985, №199: New Technology and Western Security Policy. Pt.III
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1985, №200: The Prospects and Implications of Non-nuclear... / Builder C.
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1985, №201: French Military Policy and African Security / Chipman J.
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1985, №202: Sino-Soviet Relations after Mao / Segal G.
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1985, №203: Soviet Policy Towards West Germany / Smith R.
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1986, №204: Spain: Domestic Politics and Security Policy
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1986, №205: Power and Policy: Doctrine, the Alliance and Arms Control. Pt.1
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1986, №206: Power and Policy: Doctrine,the Alliance and Arms Control. Pt.II
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1986, №207: Power and Policy: Doctrine, the Alliance and Arms Control. Pt.3
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1986, №208: The Two Koreas: Catalyst for Conflict in East Asia? / Polomka P.
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1986, №209: South Africa and it's Neighbours: The Dynamics... / Jaster R.
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1986, №210: Deterrence, War-fiqhtinq and Soviet Military... / Oudenaren J.
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1986, №211: NATO's Out-of-Area Problem / Bentinck M.
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1986, №212: The Japan-US Alliance: A Japanese Perspective / Tokinoya A.
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1986, №213: Strategic Stability between the Super-powers / Stockton P.
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1986, №214: Canadian Security and Defence: The Legacy... / Byeps R. B.
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1987, №215: Deterrence, technology and strategic arms control / Bajusz W.
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1987, №216: East Asia, the West and International Security: Prospects. Pt.I
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1987, №217: East Asia, the West and International Security. Pt.II
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1987, №218: East Asia, the West and International Security. Pt.III
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1987, №219: The Iran-Iraq War: The Political Implications / King R.
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1987, №220: The Iran-Iraq War: A Military Analysis / Karsh E.
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1987, №221: Directed-Energy Weapons and Strategic Defence... / Schroeer D.
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1987, №222: Shadow or Substance? Perceptions and Symbolism... / Sabin P.
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1987, №223: The Future of the ABM Treaty / Durch W.
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1987, №224: Strategic Defence in the Nuclear Age / Freedman L.
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1987, №225: Strategic Defencec in NATO Strategy / Brody R.
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1987, 1987/1988, №226: Land-attack Cruise Missiles / Gottemoeller R.
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1987, 1987/1988, №227: Southern Africa in Soviet Foreign Policy / Campbell K.
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1988, №228: Politics and Protectionism in the Pacific / Gordon B.
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1988, №229: Prospects for Security in the Mediterranean. Pt.I
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1988, №230: Prospects for Security in the Mediterranean. Pt II
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1988, №231: Prospects for Security in the Mediterranean. Pt.III
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1988, №232: The Sino-Vietnamese Relationship and the Soviet... / McGregor C.
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1988, №233: NATO Strategy and Ballistic Missile Defence / Daalder Ivo H.
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1989, №234: The problem of Cyprus / McDonald R.
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1989, №235: The Changig Strategic Landscape. Pt.I
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1989, №236: The Changig Strategic Landscape. Pt.II
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1989, №237: The Changig Strategic Landscape. Pt.III
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1989, №238: The Impact of Strategic Defencec on European-American Relations
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1989, №239: Challenges of Conventional Arms Control / Wittmann K.
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1989, №240: The GDR in East-West Relations / Spanger H.-J.
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1989, №241: Strategic Stability in the Arctic / Lindsey G.
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1989, №242: Mexico: Converging Challenges
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1989, №243: Lebanon: Dimensions of Conflict / Sirriyeh H.
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1990, №246: Pakistan: dimensions of insecurity / Ispahani M.
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1990, №247: The strategic implications of change in the Soviet Union. Pt.1
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1990, №248: The strategic implications of change in the Soviet Union. Pt.2
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1990, №249: The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: The End of an Era
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1990, №250: Cooperation or Competition? Defence Procurement / Bittleston M.
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1990, №251: Confronting the 1990s: Security in tne Developing... / Sayigh Y.
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1990, №252: Ballistic Missile Proliferation in the Third World / Navias M.
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1990, №253: The 1988 Peace Accords and the Future... / Jaster R.
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1990, №254: British Strategic Priorities in the 1990 / Sabin P.
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1990, №255: Soviet Attitudes towards Ballistic Missile Defence... / Voas J.
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1990, 1990/1991, №256: America's Role in a Changing World. Pt.I
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1990, 1990/1991, №257: America's Role in a Changing World. Pt.II
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1991, №258: Gorbachev and the Future of the Soviet Military... / Gelman N.
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1991, №259: The lessohs of the Soviet /Afghan War / Roy O.
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1991, №260: French Strategis Options in the 1990 / Palmer Ruiz D.
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1991, №261: Beyond the 600-Ship Navy / Daniel Donald C. F.
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1991, №262: Environmental Issues and Security in South Asia / Hassan S.
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1991, №263: Containing Nuclear Proliferation / Dunn L. A.
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1992, №264: The Gulf conflict: a political and strategic... / Dannreuther R.
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1992, №265: New dimensions in international security. Pt.1
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1992, №266: New dimensions in international security. Pt.2
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1992, №267: Chemical Disarmament and International Security / Roberts B.
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1992, №270: The Yugoslav Conflict / Zametica J.
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1992, №271: European Security after the Cold War / Mortimer E.
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1992, №272: Security in Centrai Europe / Zielonka J.
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1992, 1992/1993, №273: Water ahd Instability in the Middle East / Beschorner N.
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1993, №274: The Maghreb in the 1990s / Spencer C.
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1993, №275: Asia's International Role in the Post-Cold War Era. Pt.1
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1993, №276: Asia's International Role in the Post-Cold War Era. Pt.II
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1993, №277: German Security Policy / Schlor Wolfgang F.
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1993, №278: South Asian Security in the 1990s / Thomas Raju G. C.
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1993, №279: A New Regional Order in South-East Asia: ASEAN... / Acharya A.
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1993, №280: Military Forces in the Soviet Successor States / Allison R.
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1993, №281: Whither UR Peacekeeping? Berdal Mats R.
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1993, №282: The Gulf Conflict: A Military Analysis / McCausland J.
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1993, №283: Ethnic Self-determination and the Break-up... / Shehadi Kamal S.
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1994, №284: Conference Papers. European Security the Cold War. Pt.I
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1994, №285: Conference Papers. European Security the Cold War. Pt.II
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1994, №286: The United States and European Security / Gebhard Paul R. S.
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1994, №287: China Changes Shape: Regionalism and Foreign Policy / Segal G.
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1994, №288: Creating New States in Central Asia / Dannreuther R
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1994, №289: Russia's Strategic Renovation / Nevers Renee de
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1994, №290: The Strategic Implications of European Integration / Jopp M.
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1994, №291: Understanding Contemporary International Arms... / Mussington D.
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1994, №292: Rethinking Japan-US Relations / Sasae K.
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1995, №293: India Redefines it's Role / Gupta S
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1995, №294: Multinational Military Forces: Problems and Prospects / Palin R.
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1995, №295: Towards a New Balance of Power in Asia / Dibb P.
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1995, №296: The Crisis of the Iranian State / Hashim A.
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1995, №297: Beyond Indochina / Thayer Carlyle A.
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1995, №298: China and the South China Sea Disputes / Valencia Marc J.
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1995, №299: A US Strategy for the Asia-Pacific / Stuart Douglas T.
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1996, №300: The Politics of Oil in The Caucasus and Central... / Forsythe R.
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1996, №301: Conventional Arms Control and European Security / McCausland J.
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1996, №302: The ASEAN Regional Forum / Leifer M.
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1996, №303: Disarmament and Demobilisation after Civil Wars / Berdal Mats R.
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1996, №304: Iran-Saudi Arabia Relations and Regional Order / Chubin S.
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1996, №305: Humanitarian Action in War / Roberts A.
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1996, №306: Central European Civil-Military Reforms At Risk / Szemerkenyi R.
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1996, №307: Rethinking Confidence-Building Measures / Desjardins M.-F.
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1997, №308: Ending Civil Wars / King C.
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1997, №309: Non-Proliferation Incentives for Russia and Ukraine / Baker J.
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1997, №310: Russia and North-east Asia / Harada C.
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1997, №311: Responding to Crises in the African Great Lakes / Evans G.
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1997, №312: Maintaining Nuclear Stability in South Asia / Joeck N.
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1997, №313: Enhancing Indo-US Strategic Cooperation / Sidhu W.
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1997, №314: The Islamist Impasse / Karawan Ibrahim A.
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