Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
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Автор: | American Mathematical Society |
Вид документа: | |
Опубликовано: | Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society , 1950― |
Язык: | Английский |
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1993, Vol.101,№482: G-categories / Gordon R.
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1993, Vol.101,№483: Orientation and the Leray... / Fitzpatrick P., Pejsachowicz J.
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1993, Vol.101,№484: Duality for actions and coactions of measured... / Yamanouchi T.
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1993, Vol.101,№485: Axiomization of passage from "local" structure... / Feit P.
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1993, Vol.102,№486: Enright-Shelton theory... / Boe B. D., Collingwood D. H.
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1993, Vol.102,№487: Weak type estimates for Cesaro... / Chanillo S., Muckenhoupt B.
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1993, Vol.102,№488: Degenerate principal series for symplectic groups / Jantzen C.
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1993, Vol.102,№489: Extension of positive-definite distributions... / Gabardo J. P.
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1993, Vol.103,№490: Phantom homology / Hochster M., Huneke C.
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1993, Vol.103,№491: Markov cell structures near... / Farrell T., Lowell J.
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1993, Vol.103,№492: Categories of modules over endomorphism rings / Faticoni T. G.
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1993, Vol.103,№493: Lattice structures on Banach spaces / Kalton N. J.
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1993, Vol.104,№494: On axiomatic approaches to vertex operator... / Frenkel I. B.
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1993, Vol.104,№495: Minimal surfaces in Riemannian manifolds / Ji M., Wang G. Y.
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1993, Vol.104,№496: Symplectic cobordism and the computation... / Kochman S. O.
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1993, Vol.104,№497: Coarse cohomology and index theory on complete... / Roe J.
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1993, Vol.104,№498: Continuous images of arcs and inverse limit methods / Nikiel J.
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1993, Vol.104,№499: Invariant subsemigroups of Lie groups / Neeb K. H.
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1993, Vol.105,№500: Rankin-Selberg convolutions for SO2l+1 х GLn... / Soudry D.
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1993, Vol.105,№501: Weakly nonlinear Dirichlet problems on long... / Dancer E. N.
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1993, Vol.105,№502: Abelian coverings of the complex projective... / Hironaka E.
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1993, Vol.105,№503: Duality and definability in first order logic / Makkai M.
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1993, Vol.105,№504: A topological Chern-Weil theory / Phillips A. V., Stone D. A.
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1993, Vol.105,№505: Gorenstein quotient singularities... / Yau S. S. T., Yu Y.
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1993, Vol.106,№506: Deformation quantization for actions of Rd / Rieffel M. A.
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1993, Vol.106,№507: Extensions of the Jacobi identity for vertex... / Husu C.
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1993, Vol.106,№508: An index of a graph with applications to knot... / Murasugi K.
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1993, Vol.106,№509: The kinematic formula in Riemannian homogeneous... / Howard R.
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1993, Vol.106,№510: On the coefficients of cyclotomic polynomials / Bachman G.
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1993, Vol.106,№511: Ondes de gradients multidimensionnelles / Sable-Tougeron M.
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1994, Vol.107,№512: (16, 6) configurations and geometry... / Gonzalez-Dorrego M. R.
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1994, Vol.107,№513: Separatrix surfaces and invariant... / Llibre J., Nunes A.
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1994, Vol.107,№514: Associated graded algebra of a Gorenstein... / Iarrobino A. A.
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1994, Vol.107,№515: I-density continuous functions / Ciesielski K.
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1994, Vol.108,№516: A proof of the q-Macdonald-Morris... / Kadell K. W. J.
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1994, Vol.108,№517: Behavior of distant maximal geodesics in finitely... / Shioya T.
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1994, Vol.108,№518: Parabolic Anderson problem... / Carmona R., Molchanov S. A.
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1994, Vol.108,№519: Completely prime maximal ideals... / McGovern W. M.
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1994, Vol.108,№520: Elliptic regularization and partial regularity... / Ilmanen T.
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1994, Vol.110,№526: The Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein Rees... / Goto S., Nishida K.
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1994, Vol.110,№527: Diagram cohomology and isovariant... / Dula G., Schultz R.
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1994, Vol.110,№528: Higher spinor classes / Jardine J. F.
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1994, Vol.110,№529: Filtrations on the homology... / Friedlander E. M., Mazur B.
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1994, Vol.110,№530: Littlewood-Paley theory on spaces... / Han Y., Sawyer E. T.
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1994, Vol.110,№531: Harmonic analysis... / Figa-Talamanca A., Steger T.
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