Horizons: the Marxist quarterly
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Опубликовано: | Toronto : Progress Books , 1966―1969 |
Язык: | Английский Французский |
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1966, №19: The Student and society. Students and social class
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1967, №20: Labor in a changing economy. Technoligical change and workers..
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1967, №21: La Femme dans la Societe Quebecoise. Eve Pleads ''Guity''
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1967, №22: The coming century. French Canada and the national question
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1967, №23: October 1917: 50 Years after. Marx's Capital: 100 Years after
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1968, №24: Marxisme et structuralisme. Eyewitness in Vietnam
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1968, №25: Philosophy and the New Left. Les Communisters Francais dans...
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1968, №26: The young Marx and the young generation
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1968, №27: Quebec and the federal elections l'autocritique de la societe...
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1969, №28: Students' and workers' struggles. Education in crisis
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