(Дэпазітарый электронных дакументаў)
Компакт-диск «Иван Грозный = Ivan the Terrible» Прокофьев Сергей Сергеевич

Composition in oratorio form on S.Prokofiev's music for "Iven The Terrible" film: Op. 116;

1. Overture;

2. March of the Young Ivan;

3. Ocean-Sea;

4. I'll be the Tsar!

5. Assumption Cathedral (God is Glorified);

6. Long live our tsar!

7. Ocean-Sea;

8. Long live our tsar!

9. Simpleton;

10. The White Swan;

11. Glorification;

12. The White Swan;

13. On the Bones of Foes;

14. The Tartars;

15. Cannoneers;

16. To Kazan!

17. Ivan Pleads with the Boyars;

18. Efrosinia and Anastasia;

19. Song os the Beaver (The Lullaby of Efrosinia);

20. Ivan at the Coffin of Anastasia;

21. The Choir of the Tsar's Man;

22. The Oath of the Tsr's Men;

23. Song of Fyodor Basmanov and the Tsar's men;

24. Dance of the Tsar's Men;

25. Finale.