(Дэпазітарый электронных дакументаў)
Компакт-диск «Cesar Frank. Les Beatitudes (Франк, Сезар. Заповеди блаженства)», 2 CD.

CD 1 (68.07)

1 . Prologue (Solo tenor and chorus) 4.26

2. Premiere Beatitude/First Beatitude: 12.05

Bienheureux les piuvres d'esprit, parce que le royaume des cieux est a eux/ Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Chorus and solo baritone)

3. Deuxieme Beatitude/Second Beatitude: 10.19

Bienheureux ceiuxqui sont doux, parce qu'ils possederont la terre/ Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. (Chorus, soloists and solo baritone)

4. Troisieme Beatitude/Third Beatitude: 17.01

Bienheureux ceuxquu pleurent, parce qu'ils seront consoles/ Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. (Chorus, soloists and solo baritone)

5. Quatrieme Beatitude/Fourth Beatitude: 10.16

Bienheureux ceux qui ont faim et soif de la justice, car ils seront rassasies/ Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. (Tenor and baritone solos)

6. Cinquieme Beatitude/Fifth Beatitude: 13.45

Heureux les misericordieux, parce qu'ils obtiendront eux-memes misericorde/ Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. (Terror solo, chorus, baritone and soprano solos)

CD 2 (79.44)

1 . Sixieme Beatitude/Sixth Beatitude: 15.22

Bienheureux ceux qui ont le cceur pur, parce qu'ils verront Dieu/ Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. (Double women's chorus, male quartet, solo baritone)

2. Septieme Beatitude/Seventh Beatitude: 13.40

Bienheureux les pacifiques, parce qu'ils seront appeles enfants de Dieu/ Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. (Solo bass, chorus, solo baritone, quintet)

3. Huitieme Beatitude/Eighth Beatitude: 20.38

Bienheureux ceux qui souffrent persecution pour la justice, parce que leroyaume des cieux est a eux/ Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Solo bass, chorus, solo mezzo-soprano, solo baritone)

Jessye Norman soprano Brigitte Fassbaender mezzo-soprano Birgit Finnila alto, Rene Kollo tenor Kimmo Lappalainen tenor Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau baritone, Raffaele Arie bass Karl-Christian Kohn bass, Chor des Franzosischen Rundfunks Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks Rafael Kubelik

Bonus Tracks(Reprise):

4. Quatrieme Beatitude/Fourth Beatitude 10.22

5. Huitieme Beatitude/Eighth Beatitude 19.41

Louise Lebrun, soprano Jane Berbie, mezzo-soprano Nathalie Stutzmann, alto, David Rendali, Peter Jeffes, tenor Marcel Vanaud, baritone (Christ) Francois Loup, Daniel Ottevaere, bass, Raphael Tambyeff, organ Nouvel Orchestre Philharmonique Armin Jordan