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Компакт-диск «Dead Сan Dance»

1. Yulunga: (Spirit Dance) (6. 51).

2. Saltarello: instrumental dance: Anonymous: Italian 14th Century (2. 34).

3. Song of the dispossessed (4. 58).

4. Mephisto (0. 48).

5. Radharc (2. 47).

6. Ullyses (4. 49).

7. Saldek (1. 04).

8. The human game (6. 47).

9. The arrival and the reunion (1. 38).

10. The carnival is over (5. 19).

11. Fortune presents gifts not according to the book / words by Luis de Сongora (5. 56).

12. Windfall (3. 27).

13. Emmeleia (2. 03).

14. Piece for solo flute (3. 08).

15. Tristan (1. 48).

16. I am stretched on your grave (4. 13).

17. In the wake of adversity (4. 10).

18. Avatar (4. 29).

19. Spirit (4. 54).

20. Ariadne (1. 49).

21. The host of seraphim (6. 11).

22. Rakim (5. 34).

23. Anywhere out of the world (4. 59).

24. The Song of the sibyl: traditional version: Catalan: 16th century: dedicated to the memory of Jamie Salas (3. 43).

25. Towards the within (7. 06).

26. Echolalia (1. 16).

27. Mesmerism (3. 45).

28. Tell me about the forest: You once called home (5. 16).

29. The snake and the moon (6. 10).

30. The writing on my father's hand (3. 34).

31. The garden of zephirus (1. 16).

32. Laurelei (5. 56).

33. Song of Sophia (1. 22).

34. Oman (5. 21).

35. Orbis de ignis (1. 31).

36. The wind that snakes the barley (2. 46).

37. As the bell rings the maypole spins (5. 08).

38. Aihon (2. 52).

39. Persian love song (2. 31).

40. Cantara (5. 20).

41. Wilderness (1. 22).

42. To zucchabar: (Gladiator) (3. 14).