(Дэпазітарый электронных дакументаў)
«"Nazareth", рок-группа (Великобритания)», 2 зв. диска : mp3

Альбомы: Nazareth (1971) ; Exercises (1972) ; Razamanaz (1973) ; Rampant (1974) ; Loud 'N' Proud (1974) ; Hair of the Dog (1975) ; Play 'N' the Game (1976) ; Close Enough for Rock 'n' Roll (1976) ; Expect No Mercy (1977) ; No Mean City (1978) ; Malice in Wonderland (1980) ; The Fool Circle (1981) ; 2XS (1982) ; Sound Elixir (1983) ; The Catch (1984) ; Cinema (1986) ; Snakes 'N' Ladders (1989) ; No Jive (1991) ; Move Me (1995) ; Boogaloo (1998).

Диск 1

01. Nazareth - 1971

1. Witch doctor Woman

2. Dear John

3. Empty Arms, Empty Heart

4. I Had A Dream

5. Red Light Lady

6. Fat Man

7. Country Girl

8. Morning Dew

9. The King Is Dead

02. Exercises - 1972

1. I Will Not Be Led

2. Cat's Eye, Apple Pie

3. In My Time

4. Woke Up This Morning

5. Called Her Name

6. Fool About You

7. Love Now You're

8. Gone

9. Madelaine

10. Sad Song

03. Razamanaz - 1973

1. Razamanaz

2. Alcatraz

3. Vigilante Man

4. Woke Up This Morning

5. Night Woman

6. Bad Bad Boy

7. Sold My Soul

8. Too Bad Too Sad

9. Broken Down Angel

04. Rampant - 1974

1. Silver Dollar Forger

2. Glad When You're Gone

3. Loved And Lost

4. Shanghai'd In Shanghai

5. Jet Lag

6. Light My Way

7. Sunshine

8. Shapes of Things & Space Safari

05. Loud'N'Proud - 1974

1. Go Down Fighting

2. Not Faking It

3. Turn On Your Receiver

4. Teenage Nervous

5. Free Wheeler

6. This Flight Tonight

7. Child In The Sun

8. The Ballad Of Hollis Brown

06. Hair Of The Dog - 1975

1. Hair Of The Dog

2. Miss Misery

3. Changin' Times

4. Love Hurts

5. Beggars Day

6. Rose In Heather

7. Whisky Drinking Woman

8. Please Don't Judas Me

07. Play'N'The Game - 1976

1. Somebody To Roll

2. Down Home Girl

3. Flying

4. Waiting For The Man

5. Born To Love

6. I Want To Do Everything For You

7. I Don't Want To Go On Without You

8. Wild Honey

9. L A Girls

08. Close Enough For Rock 'N' Roll - 1976

1. Telegram

2. Vicki

3. Homesick Again

4. Vancouver Shakedown

5. Born Under The Wrong Sign

6. Loretta

7. Carry Out Feelings

8. Lift The Lid

9. You're The Violin

09. Expect No Mercy - 1977

1. Expect No Mercy

2. Gone Dead Train

3. Shot Me Down

4. Revenge Is Sweet

5. Gimme What's Mine

6. Kentucky Fried Blues

7. New York Broken Toy

8. Busted

9. Place In Your Heart

10. All The Kings Horses

10. No Mean City - 1978

1. Just To Get Into It

2. May The Sunshine

3. Simple Solution

4. Star

5. Claim To Fame

6. Whatever You Want Babe

7. What's In It For Me

8. No Mean City

11. Malice In Wonderland - 1980

1. Holiday

2. Showdown At The Border

3. Talkin To One Of The Boys

4. Hearts Grown Cold

5. Fast Cars

6. Big Boy

7. Talkin about Love

8. Fallen Angel

9. Sheap Of Dreams

10. Turning A New Leaf

12. The Fool Circle - 1981

1. Dressed To Kill

2. Another Year

3. Moonlight Eyes

4. Pop The Silo

5. Let Me Be Your Leader

6. We Are The People

7. Every Young Mans Dream

8. Little Part Of You

9. Cocaine Live

10. Victoria

Диск 2

01. 2XS - 1982

1. Love Leads To Madness

2. Boys In The Band

3. You Love Another

4. Gatecrash

5. Games

6. Back To The Trenches

7. Dream On

8. Lonely In The Night

9. Preservation

10. Take The Rap

11. Mexico

02. Sound Elixir - 1983

1. Why Dont You Read

2. Whippin Boy

3. All Nite Radio

4. Where Are You Now

5. Back Room Boys

6. Rags To Riches

7. Local Still

8. I Ran

9. Rain On The Window

10. Milk And Honey

03. The Catch - 1984

1. Party Down

2. Ruby Tuesday

3. Last Exit Brooklyn

4. Moondance

5. Love Of Freedom

6. This Months Messiah

7. You Dont Believe In US

8. Sweetheart Tree

9. Road To Nowhere

04. Cinema - 1986

1. Cinema

2. Juliet

3. Just Another Heartache

4. Other Side Of You

5. Hit The Fan

6. One From The Heart

7. Salty Salty

8. White Boy

9. A Veterans Song

05. Snakes'N'Ladders - 1989

1. We Are Animals

2. Lady Luck

3. Hang On To A Dream

4. Piece Of My Heart

5. Trouble

6. The Key

7. Back To School

8. Girls

9. Donna Get Off That Crack

1. See You See Me

11. Helpless

06. No Jive - 1991

1. Hire And Fire

2. Do You Wanna Play House

3. Right Between The Eyes

4. Every Time It Rains

5. Keeping Our Love Alive

6. Thinking Mans Nightmare

7. Cover Your Heart

8. Lap Of Luxury

9. The Rowan Tree

10. Cry Wolf

07. Move Me - 1995

1. Let Me Be Your Dog

2. Cant Shake Those Shakes

3. Crack Me Up

4. Move Me

5. Steamroller

6. Stand By Your Beds

7. Rip It Up

8. Demon Alcohol

9. You Had It Comin

10. Bring It On Home To Mama

11. Burning Down

08. Boogaloo - 1998

1. Light Comes Down

2. Cheerleader

3. Loverman

4. Open Up Woman

5. Talk Talk

6. Nothing So Good

7. Party At The Kremlin

8. God Save The South

9. Robber The Roadie

10. Waiting

11. May Heaven Keep You


1. Фото 1.

2. Фото 2.

3. Фото 3.

4. Фото 4.

5. Фото 5.

6. Фото 6.

7. Фото 7.

8. Фото 8.

9. Фото 9.

10. Фото 10.

11. Фото 11.

12. Фото 12.

Минск. Вигма, 2008