(Дэпазітарый электронных дакументаў)
«Anglo-American songs and Ballads».

Сторона 1

1. Barbara Allen. Sung with guitar by Bill Nicholson: accompanied on steel guitar by Zane Shrader of New Albany, Ind. Recorded at Renfo Valley, Ky., 1946

2. The Cherry tree carol. Sung by Mrs. Mayd Long at Hot Spring, N. C., 1946

3. Frank James, The Roving Gambler (The Boston Burglar). Sung by L. D. Smith at Swannanoa, N. C., 1946

4. Caroline of Edinboro' Town. Sung by Charles Ungenthron of Thornton, Calif. Recorded at Walnut Shade, Mo., 1941

5. Young Charlotte. Sung by I. G. Greer of Thomasville, N. C., with dulcimer by Mrs. I. G. Greer. Recorded at Washington, D. C., 1945

Сторона 2

6. Jack of Diamonds. Sung with guitar by Bill Nicholson: accompanied on steel guitar by Zane Shrader of New Albany, Ind. Recorded at Renfo Valley, Ky., 1946

7. Old smoky.Sung by I. G. Greer of Thomasville, N. C., Recorded at Washington, D. C., 1945

8. Devilish Mary. Sung by Paul Rogers of Paint Lick, Ky. Recorded at Renfo Valley, Ky., 1946

9. Darling Cory. Sung with guitar by Pleaz Mobley of Manchester, Ky. Recorded at Renfo Valley, Ky., 1946

10. Fiddle-I-Fee. Sung by Mrs. Maud Long at Hot Springs, N. C., 1946

11. Billy Grimes. Sung by I. G. Greer of Thomasville, N. C., Recorded at Washington, D. C., 1946

12. Father Grumble. Sung by Jean Richie of Viper, Ky. Recorded at Renfo Valley, Ky., 1946

13. Common Bill.Sung by I. G. Greer of Thomasville, N. C., with dulcimer by Mrs. I. G. Greer. Recorded at Washington, D. C., 1946

USA. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.