(Дэпазітарый электронных дакументаў)
«Rhythm of the Mountains and the Waters / production supervised by the State Council Information Office, P.R. China»

Folk Song and Music Series of China

CD 1. GUIZHOU's Best Folk Songs

1. The Prairie - My Home

2. Qingshui River, My Beautiful Homeland

3. Crispy August

4. The Pretty Flowers Are Red

5. The Mistress Washes Clothes In The River

6. I Can't Put on A Smile Whenever Thinking About You

7. Greeting The Spring

8. Osmanthus Blooms When Felicity Comes

9. Forgetting The Songs I Haven't Been Singing For A Long Time

10. Axilixi

11. The Prairie Brother

12. Picking The Thorn Leaves

13. The Rising Sun Shines Over The White Rocks

14. Flowers Bloom Everywhere On The Hillside

15. Youfang When Being Young

16. Folk Song Of Herding Cows

17. The Spring Is Coming

18. The Sound Of Wood Drums From The Moon Mountain

CD 2. GUIZHOU's Best Folk Music

1. Pipe & String Folk Music: Duan Festival

2. Miao Folk Instrumental Dance

3. Folk Music Quartete: Rhythm

4. Woodleaf Solo: Buyi Mountain Melody

5. Symphony Picture: Local Custom

6. Symphony Picture: The Mountain Music

7. Symphony Narration: The Old Story of Yelang

China. Intercontinental A&V Press (Beijing Harmony A&V Company), 2014