(Дэпазітарый электронных дакументаў)
«Countertenors (Контртеноры)»

Исполняют: James Bowman, Michael Chance, The King's Concort, Robert King, director (1—8), Alfred Deller, Mark Deller, Desmond Dupre, lute and duitar (9—25)

1. Sing, sing ye druids

2. In vain the am'rous flute

3. O solitude, my sweetest choice

4. Sound the trumpet

5. O dive custos Auriacae domus

6. No, resistance is but vain

7. Hark how the songsters

8. Incassum, Lesbia, rogas

Folksongs XIII-XVII centuries

9. The three Ravens / anonyme

10. Blask is the colour of my true love's hair / anonyme

11. Morley Th. Sweet nymph , come tu thy lover

12. Morley Th. I go before my darling

13. The Oak and the Ash / anonyme

14. Barbara Allen / anonyme

15. Lord Rendall / anonyme

16. Water is wide / anonyme

17. The Tailor and the Mouse / anonyme

18. Down by the sally Garden's / anonyme

19. I will give my love an Apple / anonyme

20. Morley Th. Miraculous love's wounding

21. Jones R. Sweet Kate

22. Bushes and Briars / anonyme

23. The foggi , foggy Dew / anonyme

24. She moved through the fair / anonyme

25. The Evening Player / anonyme

Россия. Aquarius, 2003 год