1. The Your Off My Woman/ J.Hawkins; D.Hawkins; Poullain.
2. Red Morning Light/ N.Followill.
3. Roulette Dares (The Haunt Of)/ The Mart Volta.
4. Shallow/ Ryan Adams.
5. The Man Comes Around/ J.R.Cash.
6. Gimme The Light/ S.Henriques.
7. Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist/ M.Bellamy.
8. She Lives In My Lap featuring Rosario Dawson/ A.Benjamin.
9. Fall Dog Bombs The Moon/ D.Bowie.
10. Switching Off/ Garvey; Jupp; Turner; Potter.
11. The Riches/ P.Farrell; D.Navarro.
12. Nothing Precious At All/ K.Jones.
13. Fidelity/ Starsailor.
14. The Dope (Wonderful You)/ C.Taylor-Taylor.
15. Shake Those Windows/ Athlete.
16. Deckchairs And Cigarettes/ Deasy; Ryan; McMahon; Horan; Carrigan.
17. House Of Jaalous Lovers/ The Rapture.
18. Babe, I'm On Fire (Edite)/ Nick Cave.