1. Bach J.S. Cantata "Liebster Gott, wenn ich sterben".
2. Bach J.S. The Eighteen Chorale Preludes fron the Leipzig Autograph: "An Wasserflussen Babylon".
3. Schubert. Am Meer: Transcribed by Liszt for piano.
4. Liszt. Etudes d'execution transcendante N 5: "Feux follets".
5. Marin. No piense Menguilla ya.
6. Josquin. Praeter rerum seriem.
7. Bach J.S. The Art Fugue: BWV 1080: Contrapunctus 1 and Contranctus 9.
8. Weill. The Seven Deadly Sins: "Epilogue".
9. Part. Summa: Opening.
10. Gorecki. Totus tuus: Op. 60.
11. Tavener. Eternal Memory.
12. Preisner. Requiem: "Lacrimosa".
13. Sausa. March: The lnvivcible Eagle.
14. Vaughan W. Symphony N 5: D dur: Thirs movement, "Romanza" (Lento): excerpt.
15. Hart. Secret Meeting Place.
16. Jara. Angelita Huenuman.