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Результаты запроса Отображение 1-19 из 19 Laminas_Feed_Writer 2 (https://getlaminas.org) https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Search/Results?sort=last_indexed+desc&limit=50&filter%5B%5D=publishPlace%3A%22New+York%22&filter%5B%5D=topic_facet%3A%22%D0%A4%D0%98%D0%9B%D0%9E%D0%A1%D0%9E%D0%A4%D0%A1%D0%9A%D0%98%D0%95+%D0%A3%D0%A7%D0%95%D0%9D%D0%98%D0%AF%22&type=AllFields&lng=ru 19 0 50 Di erste prinzipen: fun a sistem fun sintetischer filisofie / Herbert Spenser. - 2. aufl. - New York : Literarischer ferlag, 1910. - 197 s. Sat, 01 Jan 1910 03:51:36 +0150 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br1540967 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br1540967 Spencer, H. (1820—1903) Книги 1910 Spencer, H. (1820—1903) 0 Intelligence in the modern world: John Dewey's philosophy / Ed., introd.: Joseph Ratner. - New York : Random House, 1939. - (The modern library of the world's best books) Sun, 01 Jan 1939 03:51:36 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br273150 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br273150 Книги 1939 0 Introduction to Saint Thomas Aquinas / edited, with an introduction, by Anton C. Pegis. - New York : The Modern Library, 1948. - XXX, 690 с. - (The modern library of the world's best books) Thu, 01 Jan 1948 03:51:36 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br374117 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br374117 Thomas Aquinas (1225 ці 1226—1274) Книги 1948 Thomas Aquinas (1225 ці 1226—1274) 0 Machiavelli / Giuseppe Prezzolini. - New York : Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1967. - 372 с. Sun, 01 Jan 1967 03:51:36 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br374164 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br374164 Prezzolini, G. Книги 1967 Prezzolini, G. 0 Some lessons in metaphysics / Jose Ortega y Gasset. - New York : Norton, 1969. - (The Norton library ; No. 514) Wed, 01 Jan 1969 03:51:36 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br388364 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br388364 Ortega y Gasset , J. (1883—1955) Книги 1969 Ortega y Gasset , J. (1883—1955) 0 Meditations on quixote / Jose Ortega Y Gasset. - New York : Norton, 1963. - (The Norton library ; N 125) Tue, 01 Jan 1963 03:51:36 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br388367 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br388367 Ortega y Gasset , J. (1883—1955) Книги 1963 Ortega y Gasset , J. (1883—1955) 0 Philosophy in the twentieth century / A. J. Ayer. - New York : Vintage Books, 1982. - X, 282 с. Fri, 01 Jan 1982 03:51:36 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br398533 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br398533 Ayer, A. J. (1910—1989) Книги 1982 Ayer, A. J. (1910—1989) 0 The life of reason or The phases of human progress: Reason in common sense / George Santayana. - 2nd ed. - New York : Scribner, 1948 Thu, 01 Jan 1948 03:51:36 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br399896 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br399896 Santayana, G. Книги 1948 Santayana, G. 0 The life of reason or the phases of human progress: Reason in religion / George Santayana. - New York : Scribner, 1948 Thu, 01 Jan 1948 03:51:36 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br399897 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br399897 Santayana, G. Книги 1948 Santayana, G. 0 Essays in pragmatism / William James. - New York : Hafner Publ., 1954. - (The Hafner Library of Classics ; No. 7) Fri, 01 Jan 1954 03:51:36 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br399953 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br399953 James, W. (1842—1910) Книги 1954 James, W. (1842—1910) 0 Language, truth and logic / Alfred Jules Ayer. - New York : Dover, 1936. - 160 с. Wed, 01 Jan 1936 03:51:36 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br399961 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br399961 Ayer, A. J. (1910—1989) Книги 1936 Ayer, A. J. (1910—1989) 0 The concept of ideology and other essays / George Lichtheim. - New York : Random House, 1967 Sun, 01 Jan 1967 03:51:36 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br400390 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br400390 Lichtheim, G. Книги 1967 Lichtheim, G. 0 The first and second discourses / Jean-Jacques Rousseau. - New York : St.Martin's Press, 1964 Wed, 01 Jan 1964 03:51:36 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br400769 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br400769 Руссо, Ж. Ж. (1712—1778) Книги 1964 Руссо, Ж. Ж. (1712—1778) 0 What is philosophy?: a marxist introduction / Howard Selsam. - 2nd rev. ed. - New York : International Publishers, [1939] Sun, 01 Jan 1939 03:51:36 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br452869 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br452869 Selsam, H. Книги 1939 Selsam, H. 0 Democracy: A reader / Ed.: Ricardo Blaug, John Schwarzmantel. - New York : Columbia Univ. Press, [2000] Sat, 01 Jan 2000 03:51:36 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br493947 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br493947 Книги 2000 0 Labor laws of the Talmud / B.Feigenbaum. - New York, S.a. Sat, 01 Jan 0000 03:51:36 +0150 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br634050 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br634050 Feigenbaum, B. Книги Feigenbaum, B. 0 Martin Heidegger and European nihilism / Karl Loewith. - New York : Columbia University Press, 1995. - (European perspectives) Sun, 01 Jan 1995 03:51:36 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br705682 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br705682 Loewith, K. Книги 1995 Loewith, K. 0 Ключ к теософии: простое изложение в форме вопросов и ответов этики, науки и философии, для изучения которых было основано Теософское общество / Е.П.Блаватская. - 3-е изд., дополненное. - New York : Blue Lotus Press, 2005 Sat, 01 Jan 2005 03:51:36 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br740367 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br740367 Блаватская, Е. П. (1831—1891) Книги 2005 Блаватская, Е. П. (1831—1891) 0 Di erste prinzipen: fun a sistem fun sintetischer filisofie / Herbert Spenser. - New York : Di Internazionale Bibliothek, 1910. - 197 s. - (Di Internazionale Bibliothek) Sat, 01 Jan 1910 03:51:36 +0150 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br825427 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br825427 Spencer, H. (1820—1903) Книги 1910 Spencer, H. (1820—1903) 0