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Результаты запроса Отображение 1-43 из 43 Laminas_Feed_Writer 2 (https://getlaminas.org) https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Search/Results?sort=last_indexed+desc&limit=50&filter%5B%5D=publishPlace%3A%22Minneapolis%22&type=AllFields&lng=ru 43 0 50 Prague counterpoint / Bodie Thoene. - Minneapolis : Bethany House, 1989. - 416 c. - (The Zion covenant ; 2) Sun, 01 Jan 1989 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0000491068 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0000491068 Thoene, B. Книги 1989 Thoene, B. 0 Normandy: breaching the Atlantic Wall from D-day to the breakout and liberation / Dominique François. - Minneapolis : Zenith Press, 2008. - 300 c. Tue, 01 Jan 2008 02:46:39 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0000612026 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0000612026 François, D. (нар. 1962) Книги 2008 François, D. (нар. 1962) 0 International Directory of Librarians and Library Specialists in the Slavic and East European Field. - Minneapolis, 1994. - 156 p. Sat, 01 Jan 0000 02:46:39 +0150 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0000839459 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0000839459 Kraus, D. Книги Kraus, D. 0 The aftermath of the French defeat in Vietnam / Mark E. Cunningham and Lawrence J. Zwier. - Minneapolis : Twenty-First Century Books, 2009. - 160 c. - (Aftermath of history) Thu, 01 Jan 2009 02:46:39 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0000861326 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0000861326 Cunningham, M. E. Книги 2009 Cunningham, M. E. 0 A History of Swedish Literature. - Minneapolis, 1961. - 708 p. Sun, 01 Jan 1961 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0000928244 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0000928244 Gustafson, A. Книги 1961 Gustafson, A. 0 A Universal Second Language. - Minneapolis, 1992. - 164 p. Wed, 01 Jan 1992 02:46:39 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0000997495 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0000997495 Hankes, E. Книги 1992 Hankes, E. 0 A burnt child: a novel / Stig Dagerman. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 2013. - ХІІ, 211, [1] с. Tue, 01 Jan 2013 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001000993 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001000993 Дагерман, С. Х. (1923—1954) Книги 2013 Дагерман, С. Х. (1923—1954) 0 Nasha slova [Мікраформа]: Belorussia, Minsk: [газета] / East View Publications. - Minneapolis : East View Publications, [1997]. - (Russian/NIS and Central European Periodicals on Microform) Wed, 01 Jan 1997 02:46:39 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Collection/BY-NLB-br0001179720 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Collection/BY-NLB-br0001179720 Периодические издания 1997 0 Белорусская деловая газета [Микроформа]: Minsk, Belarus / East View informations services. - Minneapolis : East View informations services, [1997?]. - (Russian/NIS and Central European Periodicals on Microform) Wed, 01 Jan 1997 02:46:39 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Collection/BY-NLB-br0001180202 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Collection/BY-NLB-br0001180202 Периодические издания 1997 0 Svaboda [Мікраформа]: Belorussia, Minsk: [газета] / East View Publications. - Minneapolis : East View Publications, 1997?. - (Russian/NIS and Central European Periodicals on Microform) Wed, 01 Jan 1997 02:46:39 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Collection/BY-NLB-br0001181652 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Collection/BY-NLB-br0001181652 Периодические издания 1997 0 Golas Radzimy [Мікраформа]: Belarus, Minsk: [газета] / East View information services. - Minneapolis : East View information services, 1998?. - (Periodicals, Books and Collections on Microform) Thu, 01 Jan 1998 02:46:39 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Collection/BY-NLB-br0001181662 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Collection/BY-NLB-br0001181662 Периодические издания 1998 0 Чырвоная змена [Мікраформа]: Беларусь, Мінск: [газета] / East View information services. - Minneapolis : East View information services, 1998?. - (Periodicals, Books and Collections on Microform) Thu, 01 Jan 1998 02:46:39 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Collection/BY-NLB-br0001182708 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Collection/BY-NLB-br0001182708 Периодические издания 1998 0 Respublika [Мікраформа]: Belorussia, Minsk: [газета] / East View Publications. - Minneapolis : East View Publications, [1997?]. - (Russian/NIS and Central European Periodicals on Microform) Wed, 01 Jan 1997 02:46:39 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Collection/BY-NLB-br0001182909 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Collection/BY-NLB-br0001182909 Периодические издания 1997 0 Биржи и банки. Белорусская деловая газета [Микроформа]: Minsk, Belarus / East View informations services. - Minneapolis : East View informations services, 1997?. - (Russian/NIS and Central European Periodicals on Microform) Wed, 01 Jan 1997 02:46:39 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Collection/BY-NLB-br0001184133 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Collection/BY-NLB-br0001184133 Периодические издания 1997 0 Белорусская деловая газета. [Биржи и банки] [Микроформа]: Minsk, Belarus / East View informations services. - Minneapolis : East View informations services, [1997?]. - (Russian/NIS and Central European Periodicals on Microform) Wed, 01 Jan 1997 02:46:39 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Collection/BY-NLB-br0001184178 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Collection/BY-NLB-br0001184178 Периодические издания 1997 0 Consequences of pragmatism: (essays, 1972―1980) / Richard Rorty. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 1986. - XLVII, 237, [1] с. Wed, 01 Jan 1986 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001294525 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001294525 Рорти, Р. (1931—2007) Книги 1986 Рорти, Р. (1931—2007) 0 Middletown families. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 1985. - IX, 436 c. Tue, 01 Jan 1985 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001302036 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001302036 Книги 1985 0 American dance [Выяўленчы матэрыял]: the complete illustrated history / Margaret Fuhrer. - Minneapolis : Voyageur Press, 2014. - 288 с. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001340162 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001340162 Fuhrer, M. Книги 2014 Fuhrer, M. 0 European art today : 35 painters and sculptors / Edited with an introduction by Sam Hunter. - Minneapolis : Bureau of Engraving, 1959. - 88 p. Thu, 01 Jan 1959 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001412420 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001412420 Книги 1959 0 Changing the subject: art and attention in the internet age / Sven Birkerts. - Minneapolis : Graywolf Press, 2015. - [3], 256, [1] с. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001417098 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001417098 Birkerts, S. Книги 2015 Birkerts, S. 0 Eckankar: the key to secret worlds / Paul Twitchell. - Minneapolis : Illuminated Way Press, 1969. - 254 c. Wed, 01 Jan 1969 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001443479 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001443479 Twitchell, Paul Книги 1969 Twitchell, Paul 0 Bowie [Выяўленчы матэрыял]: the illustrated story / Pat Gilbert. - Minneapolis : Voyageur Press, 2017. - 224 с. Sun, 01 Jan 2017 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001454004 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001454004 Gilbert, P. Книги 2017 Gilbert, P. 0 Chinese cultural relics. 2014, vol. 1, № 1 / managing editor: Garry Guan. - Minneapolis : East View Press, 2014. - 400, [1] с., уключаючы вокладку Wed, 01 Jan 2014 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001459520 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001459520 Книги 2014 0 Introduction to poetics / Tzvetan Todorov. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 1997. - XXXII, 83, [1] с. - (Theory and history of literature ; vol. 1) Wed, 01 Jan 1997 02:46:39 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001467017 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001467017 Todorov, T. (1939—2017) Книги 1997 Todorov, T. (1939—2017) 0 Change and harmonization in European education / Robert H.Beck. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 1971. - XI, 206 c. Fri, 01 Jan 1971 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001493311 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001493311 Beck, Robert H. Книги 1971 Beck, Robert H. 0 Conservatism: dream and reality / Robert Nisbet. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 1986. - X, 118 c. - (Concepts in social thought) Wed, 01 Jan 1986 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001532744 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001532744 Нисбет, Р. (1913—1996) Книги 1986 Нисбет, Р. (1913—1996) 0 101 games for trainers: a collection of the best activities from "Creative training techniques newsletter" / Bob Pike with Christopher Busse. - Minneapolis : Lakewood Books, 1995. - XI, 107 с. Sun, 01 Jan 1995 02:46:39 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001566939 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001566939 Pike, Robert William (нар. 1947) Книги 1995 Pike, Robert William (нар. 1947) 0 101 more games for trainers: another collection of the best activities from "Creative training techniques newsletter" / Bob Pike with Christopher Busse. - Minneapolis : Lakewood Books, 1995. - XI, 105 с. Sun, 01 Jan 1995 02:46:39 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001566942 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001566942 Pike, Robert William (нар. 1947) Книги 1995 Pike, Robert William (нар. 1947) 0 I'm not mad at God / David Wilkerson. - Minneapolis : Bethany Fellowship, 1967. - 89 с. Sun, 01 Jan 1967 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001597095 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001597095 Wilkerson, D. Книги 1967 Wilkerson, D. 0 Belarus / [photographs by Yury Tatarinov [et al.]. - Minneapolis : Lerner Publications, 1993. - 56 с. - (Then and now) Fri, 01 Jan 1993 02:46:39 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001597204 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001597204 Книги 1993 0 Baby Hunger: Every Woman's Longing for a Baby / Lois Leiderman Davitz. - Minneapolis : Winston Press, 1984. - 136 p. Sat, 01 Jan 0000 02:46:39 +0150 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001674383 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001674383 Davitz, L. L. Книги Davitz, L. L. 0 Review of modern medicine: July through December 1966. - Minneapolis : Modern Medicine Publications, 1967. - XXII, 965 c. Sun, 01 Jan 1967 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001689045 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001689045 Книги 1967 0 Review of modern medicine: January through June 1966. - Minneapolis : Modern Medicine Publications, S.a. - XXIII, 983 c. Sat, 01 Jan 0000 02:46:39 +0150 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001689121 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001689121 Книги 0 The United States and the Treaty Law of the Sea / by Henry Reiff. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 1959. - [XII], 451 с. Thu, 01 Jan 1959 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001736258 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001736258 Reiff, Henry Книги 1959 Reiff, Henry 0 Radio Free Europe / by Robert T. Holt. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 1958. - XII, [II], 249 с. Wed, 01 Jan 1958 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001736896 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001736896 Holt, Robert T. Книги 1958 Holt, Robert T. 0 Property / Alan Ryan. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 1987. - [2], [VI], 143 с. - (Concepts in social thought) Thu, 01 Jan 1987 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001845883 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001845883 Ryan, Alan Книги 1987 Ryan, Alan 0 Developing a Drama Group: A Practical Approach for Director, Actor & Designer / edited by Robert Smyth. - Minneapolis : World Wide Publications, 1989. - 265 c. : ил. - (Lamb´s players) Sun, 01 Jan 1989 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001903699 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001903699 Книги 1989 0 The Iron-Bearing rocks of the Mesabi Range in Minnesota / J. Edward Spurr. - Minneapolis : Harrison & Smith, 1904. - viii, 268 c. Fri, 01 Jan 1904 02:46:39 +0150 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001930276 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br0001930276 Spurr, J.E. Книги 1904 Spurr, J.E. 0 Journal of marriage and the family: quarterly journal of the National Council on Family Relations. - Minneapolis : National Council on Family Relations, 1964― Wed, 01 Jan 1964 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Collection/BY-NLB-br284589 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Collection/BY-NLB-br284589 Периодические издания 1964 0 Policing desire: Pornography, AIDS and the media / Simon Watney. - 3rd ed. - Minneapolis : Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1996. - (Media and society) Mon, 01 Jan 1996 02:46:39 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br295379 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br295379 Watney, S. Книги 1996 Watney, S. 0 Children of Chernobyl: raising hope from the ashes / Michelle Carter, Michael J. Christensen. - Minneapolis : Augsburg, 1993. - XXII, 214 c. Fri, 01 Jan 1993 02:46:39 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br360667 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br360667 Carter, M. Книги 1993 Carter, M. 0 A house divided / Michael Phillips, Judith Pella. - Minneapolis : Bethany house, 1992. - (The Russians) Wed, 01 Jan 1992 02:46:39 +0200 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br393446 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br393446 Phillips, M. Книги 1992 Phillips, M. 0 Unruly practices: power, discourse, and gender in contemporary social theory / Nancy Fraser. - Minneapolis : Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1989 Sun, 01 Jan 1989 02:46:39 +0300 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br438284 https://elib.nlb.by/elib/Record/BY-NLB-br438284 Fraser, N. Книги 1989 Fraser, N. 0