Report an information needs assessment of the Chernobyl-affected population in the Republic of Belarus: the report is prepared within the Project of the United Nations Development Programme and Committee on the Problems of the Consequences of the Catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus through the support, provided by UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation / [prepared: Valery Shevshuk [et al.]

Захавана ў:
Шифр документа: 1Ба402968К, 1Ба402969К, #1Н//8820К(053), #1Н//8997К(055),
Тып дакумента: Кнігі
Апублікавана: Minsk : Unipack , 2004
Фізіч. характарыстыкі: 51 с. : іл. ; 30 см
Мова: Англійская

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1Ба402969К ОФХ отдела книгохранения (039) 15:4:9:46 СВАБОДНЫ Рекомендованный ЧитЗал