Official records, 1999 : supplements. Suppl. 1 : Resolutions and decisions of the Economic and Social Council: organizational session for 1999, New York, 20 January and 2―5 February 1999; resumed organizational session for 1999, New York, 25 March, 6 and 7 May and 23 June 1999; substantive session of 1999, Geneva, 5―30 July 1999; resumed substantive session of 1999, New York, 16 September, 26 October, 15 November and 16 December 1999

Enregistré dans:
Шифр документа: 9Ин1124,
Format: Документы международных организаций
Publié: 2000
Description matérielle: 143 c.
Langue: Английский
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