The Versatile Impressions [Звукозапись] / Arr. and conducted by J.Pate; The Versatile Impressions

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Шифр документа: 7Ис2113ГБ1427,
Format: Аудио- и видеодокументы
Veröffentlicht: Canada : Pickwick , [паміж 1960 i 1990]
Beschreibung: 1 грп. (37.23 мин) : 33 об/мин, стерео ; 30 см
Sprache: Английский
Online Zugang: E-документ
  • Содерж.: 1. Newley, Bricusse. Once in a Lifetime. 2. Lennon, McCartney. Yesterday. 3. Adams, Strouse. This is the life. 4. Bacharach, David. The Look of Love. 5. Pate J. Oo You're a livin' doll. 6. Mayfield C., Brown O. Don't cry, my Love. 7. Adderley. Sermonette. 8. David M. East of Java from motion picture East of Java. 9. Lennon, McCartney. Fool on a Hill