Rock'n'Roll Music [Звукозапись] / [Исполн.]: C.Checker (1,10); The Isley Brothers (2); C.Berry (3,8,14,20); L.Richard (4,7,11); The Beatles (5,22); G.Vincent (6,9); P.Boone (12); E.Presley (13); Creedence Cleawater Revivil (15); B.Haley (16); J.L.Lewis (17); R.Orbison (18); The Sham (19); The Prharaohs (19); C.Perkins (21); The Rolling Stones (23)

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Шифр документа: Прил.773,
Format: Аудио- и видеодокументы
Wydane: Россия : ООО "Рофф Текнолоджиз" , 2003
Opis fizyczny: 1 компакт-диск ; 12 см
Język: Английский
Hasła przedmiotowe:
Dostęp online: E-документ
Spis treści:
  • [Содерж.]: 1.Let's Twist Again. 2.Twist And Shout. 3.Roll Over Beethoven. 4.Tutti Frutti. 5.Dizzy Miss Lizzy. 6.Race With The Devil. 7.Lucille. 8.Sweet Little Sixteen. 9.Jumps, Giggles And Shouts. 10.Limbo Rock. 11.Good Golly Miss Molly. 12.Rock Around The Clock. 13.Jaihouse Rock. 14.Rock'n'Roll Music. 15.My Baby Left Me. 16.Rip It Up. 17.Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On. 18.Ooby Dooby. 19.Woody Bully. 20.You Never Can Tell. 21.Blue Suede Shoes. 22.Long Tall Sally. 23.(Get Kick On): Route 66