The Cyperaceae of the west coast of Africa in the Welwitsch herbarium / by Henry N. Ridley, M.A. Oxon., F.L.S., assistant, Department of Botany, British Museum

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Шифр документа: 24284-7ин,
Format: Продолжающиеся издания
1. Verfasser: Ridley, Henry N.
Veröffentlicht: London : printed by Taylor and Francis for the Linnean Society , 1884
Beschreibung: С. 121―172, [2] л. іл. ; 30 см
Sprache: Английский
Schriftenreihe: The transactions of the Linnean Society of London series 2, vol. 2, pt. 7

1884, Vol.2,pt.7: The Cyperaceae of the west coast of Africa... / Ridley H. N.

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