Chernobyl: accidental wildlife sanctuaru [Выяўленчы матэрыял]: Exclusive wildlife trips to the Belarusian part of the Chernobyl zone with APB-Birdlife Belarus: Visit to the unique closed nature reserve in the Zone are now possible!: [буклет] / APB-Birdlife Belarus
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Вид документа: | |
Опубликовано: | [Беларусь : б. в. , 2018] |
Физические характеристики: |
1 л. (складз. утрая) : каляр. афсет ; 21х29,5 см, складз. 21х10 см
Язык: | Английский Русский |
Предмет: |
- Змест: 1. Radiation hazard symbol in the Chernobyl zone / D. Sapranieckaja 2. Elk / V. Dambroŭski 3. An abandoned house in the Zone / Z. Nicolás 4. Wolf / V. Dambroŭski 5. Black Stork / K. Batrik 6. Przewalski's Horses / V. Dambroŭski 7. Lynx in the Reserve / J. Beasley, P. Schlichting and V. Dambroŭski 8. European Bison / V. Dambroŭski