Dem Deutschen Volke [Выяўленчы матэрыял]: The Reichstag in German History: [буклет]
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Опубликовано: | Bonn : Le Père Publishing House , 1989 |
Физические характеристики: |
1 л. (складзены ў 8 разоў) : фотамеханічны друк ; 30х96 см, складзены 12х30 см
Язык: | Английский Немецкий |
Предмет: |
- Змест: 1. 1871. Founding of The Reich 2. 1894. The Reichstag in a Home of its Own 3. 1871 to 1914. No Reform of the Constitution 4. 1914 to 1918. The First World War. The Great Trial 5. 9th November 1918. Proclamation of the Republic 6. 1918/19 Parliamentary Democracyor Soviet Dictatorship 7. 1919. The New Constitution 8. 1922. Political Murder 9. 1923. The Year of Crisis 10. 1925. A Defeat for the Republic 11. 1925 to 1928. The Good, Middle Years 12. 1929. Clouds on the Horizon 13. 1930 to 1932. The Republic Disintegrates 14. The Death of Parliamentary Democracy 15. 1945. End and beginning 16. 1971―1989. A Fresh Start and New Hope