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$a International Congress of Heavy Vehicles, Road Trains and Urban Transport, 06―09 Oсtober 2010, Minsk, Belarus
$e book of papers
$e in 2 parts
$f [scientific and technical committee: B. M. Khroustalev [et al.]
$g Belarussian National Technical University
$g Academic Automative Association
$g International Federation of Automative Engineering Societies
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# |
$a Minsk
$d 2010
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# |
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$a Бібліяграфія ў канцы артыкулаў
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$a Белорусский национальный документ
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$b Мінская вобласць
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$a Хрусталев
$b Б. М.
$g Борис Михайлович
$c доктор технических наук
$f род. 1947
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$a International Congress of Heavy Vehicles, Road Trains and Urban Transport
$f 2010
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$a Беларускі нацыянальны тэхнічны ўніверсітэт
$c Мінск
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$a Акадэмічная аўтамабільная асацыяцыя
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$a International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies
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